125 South Wacker Drive • Suite 300 • Chicago, IL 60606

Bicycle Injuries

Chicago is a bike-friendly city, but many drivers seem intent on completely ignoring bicyclists, with sometimes catastrophic results. We see bicyclists injured in a variety of different ways, including “doorings,” behind hit by swerving vehicles and being run down by taxi cabs. Our clients are bicyclists who are responsible and obey the rules of the road. If there is a bicycle lane, our clients ride in it. If there is not a bicycle lane, our clients ride as close as is practicable to the right-hand curb. If there are pedestrians crossing, our clients yield to them.

Every year in Chicago, thousands of cyclists are injured through no fault of their own. Chicago has made a decision that we will be a bike-friendly city, and through lawsuits enforcing the rights of bicyclists to share the road, we endeavor to make Chicago a safer place for cyclists.

The first priority in the event of a bicycle crash leading to injury is to seek emergency medical attention for any immediate medical needs. Take care to cooperate with police. Talk to any and all witnesses to the crash and get their contact information. And under no circumstances should you speak with an insurance claims adjuster before consulting with a personal injury attorney. Make no mistake: Insurance companies are primarily motivated to make a profit, and claims adjusters are intent on gutting your claim by any means necessary. Speaking with an experienced bicycle injury attorney as soon as possible is critical.